Good-bye August…

Just a few more things to post before September…

Who would have thought of putting tomato vines in flower bouquets???

flowers 1

The answer: The Seasonal Bouquet Project, if you haven’t checked out their blog you should take a peek… 🙂

This bouquet from August’s bounty has marigolds, sage, zinnias, tomato vines, oat grass, salvia, and catmint…

flowers 2


Seedlings for the fall garden are growing…


And I’m getting ready to do a September challenge of 30 Paintings in 30 days starting tomorrow. I painted a few ahead of time because I’ll be on a trip for one week in September.  But here is one I did called Farm Girls…

Farm Girls

This was from a photo taken back in June when the tornado went through Moore, Oklahoma and hit my son’s barn… We planted a flower garden for them while the guys picked up debris…  The story is here A Flower Garden and a Tornado All Mixed Together.

If you would like you can follow my 30 days of painting over at    a little corner of the artist in me…