To Keep or Not to Keep

The chicksĀ  are no longer chicks, but full-fledged roos and pullets and the roos are headed for the butcher block.


I ended up with 6 roos and 4 pullets and I sold one of these handsome Black Copper Marans roosters, so I have 5 left. When I finally separated them and put the roos into a coop by themselves, one of them got out. He’s a nice rooster…and I’m wondering if I should keep him…

roo 1

He’s been hanging out with the older hens and is already watching out for them…


roo 3

One hen is broody. Let me say these Marans get broody often, but she is not laying on any eggs. Just biding her time in the nesting box…


Then I have 4 new Black Copper Marans pullets that will start laying any time now… This one looks like the most mature one…


And this one appears to be the least mature…

pullet 2

And here are the butcher block buddies…I hate this part of it all…


So, to keep or not to keep…that is the question…

pullet 3