Hoping for a Plentiful Harvest


I want to show you what an amazing gardener daughter I have…

After turning over the grass she is placing paper and topsoil over the new strawberry bed…

preparing the bed

Then she got the mulch that she and her dad and brother had shoveled and hauled back to our place and dumped it on the bed…


And she raked it all out and this is the finished bed…Way to go, Anna! πŸ™‚

Finished bed

Now we are ready for planting…This is a pretty big bed… I bought 3 flats of Ever-bearing strawberries from our local family run greenhouse, but this wasn’t enough.

3 flats

Here they are planted…I think I need to buy two more flats.


I really hope and pray that all our labors and your labors this year will bear sweet fruit…a very plentiful harvest! πŸ™‚

11 thoughts on “Hoping for a Plentiful Harvest

  1. Wow, this looks like a lot of work! Anna, is that you in the tractor? Love it when the ladies aren’t afraid to use heavy duty equiptment..I’m curious about the paper and why you’ve used it? looks like you used some stones to make a raised bed..nice design.. I too hope you will have a plentiful harvest!


    • Thanks, Thelma…Yes, this is Anna on the tractor and she is pretty good at maneuvering it around, too. I sure appreciate it, since I don’t even know how to turn it on. πŸ˜‰

      We were going to use newspaper, but my husband bought a roll of this paper at the hardware store. It’s about the thickness of a grocery bag. I think it will do the job of keeping the weeds down.


  2. Pingback: Starting from Scratch… | Rosemary, Lavender and Thyme

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